Our Program
Shepherd′s Hill at the Crossroads offers our own planned scheduled events including summer youth and family camps, day camps, retreats, and weekend events. These programs are available to community, church groups and individuals. We also rent our facilities for those who want to plan their own program. Call for information and costs. Visit the Contact Us page for phone numbers.
Let Us Serve You
Consider Shepherd′s Hill at the Crossroads for your next family reunion, retreat, meeting or conference. Our beautiful site, friendly staff, delicious food, and recreational opportunities offer the perfect setting to build relationships with God and those around us.
Our Mission
Shepherd′s Hill at the Crossroads provides Christ-centered faith and life enrichment through year-round outdoor ministry.
Our Promise
At Shepherd′s Hill at the Crossroads you will experience Christian hospitality from the time you arrive until you leave. We will greet you, help you get settled in and be available to help you with anything you need during your stay with us. Come and be our honored guests!
Our Logo
At the center of the new logo for Shepherd’s Hill at the Crossroads, is the ancient symbol of the Triumphant Lamb. Christ the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29), has been victorious over your sin and your death, so that you have the promise of eternal life. The Lamb who has once been slain now lives and reigns! (Rev 5:6, 7:10) He carries on His shoulder the standard or banner holder (Col 2:15, 1 Peter 3:18-19, Song 2:4), topped with the cross, the tree by which He has overcome.
Behind the Lamb stands green hills. This certainly calls to mind our camp name. The green of the hills reminds us of the green of life and growth that comes from Jesus Christ. The hill below the cross also reminds us of Golgotha, the mountain on which Christ died for our sins.
The blue border that wraps around the logo reminds us of the waters of baptism and the washing away of our sins. (Titus 3:8, Rev 7:17). The oval shape to the image reminds us of the world, the creation. The incomplete line to the oval reminds us that there is room for more, the work of the Church is ongoing.
The focus on the logo and Shepherd’s Hill at the Crossroads is on Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. We remain Christ-centered in our programming for your faith and life enrichment.